

Woohoo! It’s finally here! #declutterprontogallery ...

I finally organized my own spices. I couldn`t be happier!

Getting ready for holiday baking. These tiny jars make it more fun! #declutterprontogallery ...

I love my custom Declutter Pronto aprons and bags! I`m so grateful for my seamstress, Sandy. Thank you for creating these fabulous products for me!


My favorite apron item — tiny scissors. Compact and cute! No matter how often I use these, I crack up when I see them. Shout out to @pattymorrissey for this apron idea.

Tape measure. Isn`t it adorable?! This tiny one fits perfectly into my apron for when I need to measure drawers or small spaces.


A small box cutter knife. It`s super handy when breaking down boxes!

The most important items in my apron — colorful Post-it notes and a marker. I like the Super Sticky pads and a black Sharpie.

Can you guess what 5 items I keep in my Declutter Pronto apron? #declutterprontogallery ...

Have you ever wondered what’s in a professional organizer’s apron? #declutterprontogallery ...

Finally...happy Spring! I hope everyone is well.
Declutter Pronto has been working hard on a BIG project and will soon be revealing what it is. Be on the lookout for clues. Stay tuned!


I like my knitting-theme tray close by when I watch TV. After working on a project, I store the tray in a cabinet to avoid a cluttered room. I love trays because they`re not only practical; they also look great!


To me, there is something extra special about receiving a hand-written note. With my thank you cards, journal, and pen gathered on a tray, I find I’m more inclined to write a letter or scribble notes in my journal. Do you have a favorite theme tray?


Bored kids? A craft tray is always ready when someone is feeling creative. And it’s easy to grab and head outdoors to work on a project. Do you use trays throughout your home?


Trays! Check out this wine-themed tray. I store this on my counter, so when an unexpected guest stops by, I’m ready to offer a cocktail. Stay tuned for more of my theme tray ideas!


I like eye-catching items that serve as efficient storage containers. This piece holds small sewing accessories. Do you have a favorite? Please share 🙂


Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and gratitude-filled holiday!


Fall is my favorite season. I’m a big fan of “fall cleaning” rather than “spring cleaning.” What about you?


It`s my favorite yellow vase again. I decided to cut flowers from the yard and place the colorful vase in the barn. Lately, I appreciate simple things more and more.


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